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Democratizing Access to Global Healthcare Data


Medalynx is a library for global healthcare data. 

Integrated genomic and phenotypic clinical data

Our data comes from academic medical centers, national health banks, and other quality sources that provide complex data across a variety of important clinical measures. This data is tracked through time allowing unique insights into disease causality, progression, and response to treatment. 

Linked global sources increase data power

Medalynx is partnering with academic and industry data sources from around the world to increase the variety and  breadth of healthcare data in our system. This can avoid the pitfalls of dealing with a single academic system or single country healthcare practices. 

Standard lending terms,  secure access

We accelerate your research by having standard terms for access by academic and industry. Databases stay in the library but your secure access allows access to your defined dataset through secure airlocks.

Answer your big questions

Whether you are an academic researcher, biotech clinician, or journalist, you have access to the data that you need to answer your biggest questions. We leave the analysis to you, so the data can be used by your team or other analytics vendors.  

Secure Data, Trusted Quality


Medalynx data suppliers are vetted through a customized integration process to ensure quality data that adheres to local and national rules on data privacy. The library provides a single sign on to all electronic data with the users credentials being federated from their own organizations access control environments.

Make Connections 

Data Suppliers

Adding data to the Medalynx Library contributes to medical advances in academia and industry. By working with other data suppliers, your research becomes even more likely to drive broad insights that benefit patients.

With Medalynx, your data can be retained locally at your organization and shared according to your institutional rules and local laws. Your institution's mission is enhanced through revenue when your data is borrowed. 


Data Borrowers

Medalynx offers a unique healthcare dataset contributed by institutions around the world. This data includes information from biological samples, genomic, and phenotypic data. This rich source can help you make research insights or tailor clinical trial design.

Each institution pays for a subscription to the Medalynx library and defines a set of internal borrowers. Your institution only borrows the dataset that you need, avoiding excess time and cost of acquisition.

You are then free to use your internal analysis software or share with external analytic organizations. Medalynx has a set of suggested providers if needed.